Olive Branch Caring Society


Olive Branch Caring Society is a Chinese outreach group dedicated to providing supplies to rural villages in China. They have worked with the Dengfeng City orphanage and have served in Huangjiapo Village, Heshun Town, Linzhou, Anyang City, and the Henan Province. In addition to bringing supplies, many of the volunteers are teachers who teach the children how to read and write. The money donated will buy needed supplies such as food, clothing, and blankets. Our company supports this organization as a way of giving back.

橄榄枝爱心社是一个致力于为中国农村提供物资的中国外展团体。 他们曾在登封市孤儿院工作,先后在河南省林州市和顺镇黄家坡村、安阳市等地工作。 除了带来物资,很多志愿者都是教孩子们读书写字的老师。 捐赠的钱将购买所需的物资,如食物、衣服和毯子。 我们公司支持这个组织作为回馈的一种方式。