About us

What we do

Languagelearningtutors is a tutoring service dedicated to connecting aspiring Chinese speakers to experienced, native Chinese teachers. Our teachers will carefully select and modify curriculum to suit the student’s needs.

Our mission
We wish to open a new door for our students by connecting them to professional teachers.

Why us?
Our teachers all have an excellent education, all with masters or bachelors in their respective fields, as well as over 10 years of teaching experience. Learning from the best ensures the student a stellar learning experience.

How we give back
At Languagelearningtutors, giving back is an important part of our company values. Therefore, a part of revenue made from tutoring sessions will be donated Olive Ranch Love Society, which is an organization in China dedicated to providing children in rural villages with supplies, food, and education.


Languagelearningtutors 是一项辅导服务,致力于将有抱负的汉语人士与经验丰富的母语汉语教师联系起来。 我们的老师会仔细选择和修改课程以适应学生的需要。


我们的教师均受过良好的教育,均具有各自领域的硕士或学士,以及超过10年的教学经验。 向最好的人学习可确保学生获得一流的学习体验。

在 Languagelearningtutors,回馈是我们公司价值观的重要组成部分。 因此,辅导课的部分收入将捐赠给橄榄牧场爱心协会,该协会是中国一个致力于为农村儿童提供用品、食物和教育的组织。